Call For Papers - Closed

The 23rd GCA Organizing Group invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) for research papers to be presented during the conference. Actuaries as well as other professionals (including academicians) can submit an EOI.

A: Introduction

The GCA organized annually since 1999 is a signature three-day event attracting stakeholders in the Insurance and financial sector, with an evening being devoted to Actuarial Gala Function and Awards (AGFA). The AGFA as well as GCA are organized in partnership with the Insurance and Pensions Industry, Consulting Organizations, and other stakeholders in the event, called Partners.

The 23rd GCA will be held over 13 and 14 February 2024, where actuaries and non-actuaries assemble in a global ambience to share thoughts and debate matters that affect the financial services industry in general and insurance industry in particular. Glimpses from past GCA’s are also available at

The event starts on the evening of 12 February 2024 with Actuarial Gala Function and Awards (AGFA) followed by the 23rd GCA Welcome Reception and Dinner along with two days’ discussion and deliberation on various subjects of professional interest. It is a great opportunity to witness, partake and celebrate the recognition of young actuarial professionals and contribute research papers on any of the core disciplines identified in the call.

The 23rd GCA’s theme is ‘Data, Disruptions, and the Actuary’

The Papers should be from authors with deep knowledge and expertise. The Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) is taking steps to publish a journal of peer reviewed research papers with indexing facility on digital and other academic platforms. In this backdrop, the 23rd GCA is likely to be a meaningful platform for academic contributions in addition to profession- and industry-led discussions.

The 23rd GCA is expected to attract around 1,000 participants. The 22nd GCA held in 2023 had over 800 participants.

B: Papers

The broad objective in selection of Papers will be to provide the conference with a balance of presenters in the following Core Disciplines.

  1. Life Insurance

  2. Property & Casualty Insurance (i.e., Non-life or General insurance)

  3. Health Insurance

  4. Data Sciences and Analytics

  5. Pensions, Employee Benefits and Social Security

  6. Finance & Investment

  7. Reinsurance

  8. New reporting standards (e.g., IFRS 17)

  9. Climate Sciences

  10. Behavioural Finance

  11. Data management and Governance

  12. Professional Ethics.

Based on the details provided in the EOI once the abstract of the paper is accepted, the Organizing Group would be inviting the detailed and complete paper submission. The submitted paper would be reviewed and feedback shall be provided for acceptance (including edits) or rejection. The final paper and a presentation deck should be submitted by 27 January 2024.

The papers however should demonstrate original, unpublished research that denote the original contribution of the author/s. This contribution will be a copyright assigned to the publisher i.e., the Institute of Actuaries of India.

Around 18-20 concurrent sessions and few plenary sessions including panel discussions are planned. The Programme structure is not final yet, however the earlier Programmes can be viewed at:

The last date for submitting the Expression of Interest in the form of Title and Abstract of the paper, and Authors’ biography is 13 November 2023, Monday. In case of any enquiry or clarification please write to

Anurag Rastogi

Chair – 23rd GCA & AGFA 2024 Organizing Group

Mumbai, 26 October 2023.

C: Paper Submission process & timelines.

The accepted and published papers shall constitute as the property of the IAI thorough its proposed journal. By submitting the research paper and the presentation slide deck, authors/ presenters will be deemed to have provided authority to the IAI to publish their papers/ presentations on IAI’s platform of choice.

Appendix I: Timelines.

Submission of abstract (up to 250 words) and authors’ bio (up to 100 words per author)

By 13 November 2023, Monday, 9 pm India time.

Kindly submit the following online at

Kindly submit online a) Paper title, b) Abstract as per Appendix III, and c) authors’ biography as per Appendix II.

Please specify the core discipline, this should be one of the 12 (twelve) core disciplines specified under ¶ B.

Abstract acceptance

By 18 November 2023, Saturday, 9 pm India time.

Accepted abstracts will be notified, which indicates a go-ahead to write the paper.

Complete paper submission

By 5 January 2024, Friday, 9 pm India time.

The IAI expects research papers with an indicative length 3,000 to 10,000 words in line with the guidance provided in Appendix III and a declaration that the paper is the original work of the author/s.

Decision of acceptance without changes, acceptance with changes, and non-acceptance.

By 19 January 2024, Friday, 9 pm India time.

The GCA papers sub-group/ editors will provide a decision on the complete paper submitted. For papers accepted, a slide format would also be shared as authors are expected to present the paper in a standard power point format.

Final paper submission, after feedback.

By 27 Jan 2024, Saturday 9 pm India time.

The final paper should be submitted after taking cognizance of feedback, if any. A deck of slides of the paper to be presented at the 23rd GCA should also be provided in the standard power point format (ideally one, maximum two presenters for not over 25 minutes).

Meeting of the contributors (Onsite)

12 February 2024, Sunday.

Accepted presenters will be required to attend a briefing meeting at the conference venue. Timings will be communicated near the dates.

Appendix ll: Author Biography.

Personal information and affiliation

Full Name

Position held in the University/ Organization

Professional Title e.g., PhD, FIAI, etc.

Name of the University/ Organization

Current Country of Residence


Actuarial Association (If member of any IAA recognized body).

Professional and academic experience

Author bio not exceeding 100 words per author.

Recent public presentations

Details of conference presentations during the last five years.

Contact Details


Hand phone:

Appendix III: Guidelines for paper submission.

Order of paper

Each paper contains: Title

Correspondence details Introduction Text Acknowledgements
References and


The title of the paper has an initial capital only, e.g.: Indian actuarial profession

Author’s name(s)

The author or authors’ name(s) are below the title with an asterisk denoting the corresponding author

e.g., Vijaya Jeet* and Ayan Armaan.


It is a summary of the paper, in one long or two or three short paragraphs and not over 250 words. The abstract should not contain references.


Choose keywords to indicate matters of interest in the paper. Restrict to five words or short phrases, e.g.:

Policyholder behaviour, Generator matrix, Absorbing state, Transition, Morbidity.

Note that keywords should have an initial capital.

Correspondence details

The name and contact address of the corresponding author with e-mail address must be given at the bottom of the first page as, e.g.:

*Correspondence to: Vijaya Jeet, Marketing Department, Steadfast Actuarial Consultancy, Address, E-mail:

Main text

All sections are numbered, and each section (apart from the introduction) can be divided into numbered sub-sections (if required). Numbered paragraphs are not needed but encouraged.

  1. Introduction

  2. Problem Definition

    1. Problem Defined in detail

  3. Approach to analysis

N.B.: If using acronyms, the full name/ title must be given at the first mention followed by the initials in brackets e.g., Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) which can then be subsequently referred to as IAI.


If formulae are numbered, do so consecutively after each formula with the number placed in

brackets e.g. E(X) = ∫ x.f(x) dx … (1)


Often authors like to include acknowledgements to those who have helped them in the development of their paper. These should appear at the end of the main text. e.g.: We are most grateful to the XYZ for their help and funding of this paper.


References in the text should be in the form:

Top & Bottom (2001) or (see Top et al., 2001).

If there are two authors ‘&’ should be used between surnames, if more than two, only the first named author’s surname should be used followed by et al., see above example.

Place brackets around the year if appearing in the text, if appearing within bracketed comments, a

comma should follow the authors’ names before the year, see above examples.

List of references

The full references must be given in this section and ALL references must be cross-referenced within the text. References are in alphabetical order by first author, and in date order for any one author. If URLs are given, the date of access must be shown.


Top, A.B., Low, Y. Z. (2001). The Indian Statistical Journal. Clear Publishers. Accessed at accessed on 14 August 2023.

All authors’ names must be shown, with surname first, followed by initials, & before the last name,

year in brackets followed by a full stop.

Journal references – full title of paper, followed by journal name in full and in italics. Volume number follows in bold, followed by page numbers (not in bold).

Modern, A.B., Traditional, Y. Z. (2022). The Distribution Conundrum. Asian Insurance Journal, 20, 81-149.

Book references – book title in italics, followed by edition (where given), formatted as e.g. 4th ed. Publisher name next, followed by place, formatted as e.g. Wiley, Winchester.

If the same author(s) and year of publication are referred to more than once they must be distinguished by a, b etc. e.g.

Brown (2008a, b) in text and in references list as

Brown, B. (2008a). Pensions crisis. Annals of Actuarial Science, 2, 21-

46. Brown, B. (2008b). Pensions. Cambridge University Press.

If URLs are used the access date must be included e.g.

COSO (2004). Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated Framework. [accessed December 2009].

If a paper was presented some time ago, please check if it has subsequently been published in a journal, if so the journal reference needs to be given.

See for further information on referencing.


Appendices must follow the references.

Figures, tables and illustrations

When using figures, tables and illustrations throughout the paper, please follow these guidelines.

General guidelines

  1. All figures and tables should be numbered throughout the paper, and should have a heading or caption.

  2. Please use explicit references to the figures and tables in the text (e.g., ‘see table 4’). Avoid words like ‘above’ and ’below’, as after typesetting the figures and tables might not appear as they do in the manuscript.

  3. All figures should be supplied as separate files. Please do not embed the figures in the text.

  4. Please ensure that the material you submit is of the best possible quality e.g., avoid using tinted panels or surrounding borders, the range of tints in grey scale illustrations should be above 15%.

  5. Maths labels should be typed exactly as they appear in the text. For example, if a symbol appears in italic in the text or equation, it should also appear in italic in the figure. All fonts should be embedded.

  6. Common packages such as Adobe Illustrator have options which allow you to output to TIFF or EPS, and we would prefer it if you could supply your files in this format.

  7. Submit figures sized to fit the actual column or page width of the journal so that reduction or enlargement is not necessary. Note that some software packages are generally NOT suitable for conversion to print reproduction, and these include:

    • Microsoft PowerPoint files

    • Images created in Microsoft Word

    • GIFF images downloaded from the web

D: Note for the presenters