Call For Papers - Live

The 24thGCA Organizing Group Invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for papers/ presentations during the conference over two days. Actuaries as well as other Professional can submit the EOI.

A: Introduction

The 24th Global Conference of Actuaries (GCA) is scheduled for March 18-19, 2025, as a premier two-day event bringing together professionals from the insurance and financial sectors. The event will also feature the Actuarial Gala Function and Awards (AGFA) on the evening of March 17, 2025. Organized in partnership with the Insurance and Pensions Industry, Consulting Organizations, and other stakeholders, the event offers a global platform for actuaries and non-actuaries to discuss key issues impacting the financial services and insurance industries.

Glimpses of past GCAs are available at

The 24th GCA is expected to attract around 1,200+ participants, the 23rd GCA held in the year 2024 having crossed 1100+ participants.

Theme: Actuarial Excellence in the Age of Disruption

The actuarial profession is undergoing significant transformation in response to rapid technological advancements, shifting economic conditions, evolving regulatory landscapes, and emerging risks. As we enter an age of disruption, actuaries must continue to lead in areas such as risk management, pricing, forecasting, and innovation, while embracing new tools and strategies to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the industry.

We invite professionals, researchers, and thought leaders to submit papers and presentations that explore the evolving role of actuaries in this dynamic environment. Contributions should highlight how the actuarial profession is addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities in the age of disruption, with an emphasis on innovation, sustainability, and excellence in actuarial practice.

B:Papers and Presentations:

The broad objective in selection of Papers/Presentation will be to provide a balance of topics to cover a broad range of topics that intersect the actuarial, finance, insurance, and broader professional domains, addressing both present-day trends and the future challenges faced by these industries.

  1. Life Insurance

  2. Property & Casualty(Non-life or General insurance)

  3. Health Insurance

  4. Pensions, Employee Benefits and Social Security

  5. Sustainable Finance, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Investing, and Climate Risk

  6. Reinsurance and Emerging Risks (Cyber, Pandemics, Geopolitical, Technological Disruptions)

  7. Data Science, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Insurance

  8. Risk Management in Insurance, Banking, and Financial Institutions

  9. Financial Derivatives, Market Risk, and Financial Risk Management

  10. New Reporting Standards (e.g., IFRS 17, IFRS 9, Solvency II) and Regulatory Matters

  11. Climate Change, Adaptation, and Resilience in Financial and Insurance Sectors

  12. Behavioural Finance and Behavioural Insurance

  13. Professional Ethics and Governance

  14. Insurance Technology (InsurTech), FinTech, and Digital Transformatio

  15. Microinsurance, Financial Inclusion, and Emerging Market Opportunities

  16. Actuarial Modelling, Forecasting, Pricing, and Financial Modelling

  17. Solvency, Capital Management, Stress Testing, and Financial Stabilit

  18. Upcoming Challenges in Actuarial and Financial Professions (e.g., automation, talent shortage, regulatory changes, technological disruptions)

  19. Financial Planning and Wealth Management

  20. Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Financial Strategy

  21. Corporate Governance and Risk Culture in Financial and Insurance Institutions

  22. Macro-economic Trends, Global Markets, and Their Impact on Financial and Insurance Sectors

  23. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in Insurance and Finance

  24. Financial Innovation, Digital Assets, and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

These abovesaid topics encompass both the traditional areas of actuarial work (e.g., life insurance, health insurance, risk management) and emerging fields (e.g., InsurTech, data science, climate risk). Additionally, issues such as professional ethics, regulatory matters, and technological disruptions are central to the future of the profession.

Based on the details provided in the EOI and if the paper/ presentation is accepted after a selection process, the Organizing Group would be inviting detailed Papers/ Presentations on specific subjects perceived to be of key importance for the event.

The presentations may be based on Research work published or un-published but should not be exact repeat of any presentation/s already done in any other forum. Papers however should demonstrate original, unpublished research which will denote the original contribution of the author/s. This contribution will be a copyright assigned to the Institute of Actuaries of India.

These sessions will provide a comprehensive platform for in-depth exploration of key topics in actuarial science, finance, insurance, and related fields, addressing both current trends and future challenges.

The Programme structure is not final yet, however the earlier Programmes can be viewed at;

In case of any enquiry or clarification please contact us at

C: Paper/Presentation Submission process & timelines

The presentations shall constitute property of the IAI though having personal (of the Author/presenter) responsibility for the content and views expressed will be published on the 24th GCA website at later date. By submitting the slides to the 24th GCA, presenters will be deemed to have given permission to publish their presentations.

Appendix I: Timelines

Submission of abstract (up to 250 words) and authors’ bio (up to 100 words per author)

By 1700 Hours IST, 17th January 2025, Friday.

Kindly submit the following online at

Kindly submit online a) Paper title, b) Abstract as per Appendix III, and c) authors’ biography as per Appendix II.

Please specify the core discipline, this should be one of the 09 (Nine) core disciplines specified under B.

Abstract acceptance

By 2100 Hours IST, 27th Jan 2025, Monday.

Accepted abstracts will be notified, which indicates a go-ahead to write the paper.

Complete paper submission

By 2100 Hours IST, 21st February 2025, Friday.

The IAI expects research papers with an indicative length 3,000 to 10,000 words in line with the guidance provided in Appendix III and a declaration that the paper is the original work of the author/s.

Decision of acceptance without changes, acceptance with changes, and non-acceptance.

By 2100 Hours, IST, 26th February 2025, Wednesday.

The GCA papers sub-group/ editors will provide a decision on the complete paper submitted. For papers accepted, a slide format would also be shared as authors are expected to present the paper in a standard power point format.

Final paper submission, after feedback.

By 2100 Hours, IST, 5th March 2025, Wednesday.

The final paper should be submitted after taking cognizance of feedback, if any. A deck of slides of the paper to be presented at the 24 th GCA should also be provided in the standard power point format (ideally one, maximum two presenters for not over 25 minutes).

Meeting of the contributors (Onsite)

17th March 2025, Monday.

Accepted presenters will be required to attend a briefing meeting at the conference venue. Timings will be communicated near the dates.

Appendix ll: Biography

Personal information and affiliation

Full Name

Position held in your organization:

Professional Title such as FIA, FIAI, FSA, FCA etc.

Name of your University/ Organization:

Current Country of Residence:


Actuarial Association (If member of any Institute):

Work Experience:

Outline of your background and relevant work experience (in maximum of 50 words).

Recent public presentation

Details of presentations made in conferences during the last say five years.

Contact Details



Appendix lll: Biography

Title of presentation

Add the title of presentation.

Core discipline

Please specify the core discipline, this should be one of the Nine Core Disciplines specified under Para B.

Summary of presentation

Brief outline of the topic including the linkage to the 24th GCA theme in not more than 50 words.

Detailed outline of  presentation

Detailed outline of the presentation. This could be either in text format or in presentation format, which could be attached.

Time span  of  presentation

Typical presentation session will be 20-30 mts and there may be maximum one or two presenters in a session.

Co-speaker (if any)

The presentation can be by maximum of two persons, even though if there is paper, the same might have been written by more than two authors, The details of co presenter is to be submitted (Appendix II)

Appendix IV : Guidelines for paper submission.

D: Note for the presenters

  • Refer Appendix IV Guidelines for paper submission

  • EOI must be submitted in English, via the Online Submission System only. E-mail submission will NOT be accepted.

  • EOI will be selected based on their merit, quality and appropriateness to the THEME of Conference.

  • All the speakers selected/ through Call for papers need to Register for the Conference.

Last date for submitting the Expression of Interest: 17th January 2025