Registration Guidelines

Section A: Registration fees for 24th GCA, AGFA 2025 (Indian Rupees and exclusive of GST @18%)
Categories Early Bird Rate (15 January 2025 - 18 February 2025) Standard Rate (19 February 2025- 15 March 2025) Late Rate (16 March 2025-19 March 2025) Register
Student (including ACET Student) Rs. 8,000 Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 14,000/- Link
Fellow Member Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 35,000/- Link
Associate Member Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 17,000/- Rs. 21,000/- Link
Affiliate Member Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 35,000/- Link
Fellow Member above 70 Rs. 12,500/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 17,500/- Link
Student/ Associate members above 70 Rs. 5,750/- Link
Others– Professional body members other than IAI including Actuarial bodies; IFoA, CAS, ASSA, SOA, ICAI, CFA, III, IIRM, ISI) Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 30,000/- Rs. 35,000/- Link
Others – Not members of any professional body allowed only for 24 GCA. The fee is per day. Rs. 12,500/- Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 17,500/- Link
AGFA Fees (Only for AGFA event) * Rs. 5,000/- Link
Student member per day Rs. 6,000/- Opening soon
The above mentioned rates are exclusive of 18% GST
Section B: Mode of Payment
  1. Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking
  2. Foreign Remittance:
  3. To proceed with the transaction, please provide the following details. The Razorpay link for foreign remittance will be shared as needed:
    i) Registration Amount
    ii) Remitter's Email ID
    iii) Remitter's Contact Number
    We encourage online transactions only.

  4. Section C: Important Points to Note
    1. GCA Conference fees includes admission to all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, registration materials, entrance to Actuarial Gala function and Awards. Registered Accompanying person is entitled to the participation in Actuarial Gala Function & Awards 2025 only.
    2. There is option to register only for Actuarial Gala Function & Awards 2025 on 17th February 2025. The fees for the same is INR 5,000 Plus taxes.
    3. Registration will be confirmed only upon receipt of full payment. Invoice & Receipt of your registration will be sent via email from All Bookings made under the Early Bird Discount offer must be submitted and paid for, on or in advance of the Early Bird Discount deadline date, to qualify for that rate.
    4. If you had made an unsuccessful online payment, the amount debited from your account will be reverted back to the same account in 8 – 10 working days.
    5. For IAI members the membership as on date of registration must be active.
    6. Final confirmation email with all the details of the conference will be sent 2 days prior to the event.
    7. If GST number is not mentioned during registration, GST invoice will not be issued.

    Section D: Registration Cancellation & Refund Policy
    1. If, for any reason, the Conference, or any part thereof, is prevented from being held, or the Event Venue becomes unavailable, the Organizer may cancel or postpone the Conference. In such event, the Organizer shall not be responsible for delays, damage, loss, increased costs, or other unfavourable conditions arising by virtue thereof, and the delegates waives all or any claims for loss, expense or damage against the Organizer arising there from.
    2. If, for any reason, the Conference, or any part thereof, is prevented from being held, or the Event Venue becomes unavailable, the Organizer may cancel or postpone the Conference. In such event, the Organizer shall not be responsible for delays, damage, loss, increased costs, or other unfavourable conditions arising by virtue thereof, and the delegates waives all or any claims for loss, expense or damage against the Organizer arising there from.
    3. The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to any delegate as it deems fit. The organizer will make every attempt to accommodate all registered delegates. However, it reserves the right to stop registration before the closing date in the event of a full house. In the event of a full house, the organizer will contact unsuccessful delegates to arrange for a refund of any registration fees that may have been paid.